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 10/2/2014 2:17 PM
 Modified By Gavin Birdsong  on 10/2/2014 4:51:57 PM

I am using vBackup on two of my servers we are backing up between 7 and 10 VM images. For our clients as a small business vBackup is extremely cost effective Their support is next to nothing by saying this I am comparing vBackup to Veeam which took their support 3 days to respond back to me. With vBackup their support is awesome. They want to make sure that I am happy with the product that you have it working in your favor. As always when I test a backup program from PC’s to Servers I always test the restore even if it’s a product I use I always make sure I can at least make one restore. vBackup does better than just restore my VM’s he renames them under a unique naming scheme. “why I like this” because this allows me to test two different images so I will not mess my original image that is not broken! “this has been wonders for us. We like the Professional Edition as this allows us to integrate with VMware’s API for faster more efficient backups. I am so glad I have found Thinware they have solved one of my worst fears “my server going down with no backups” Best of all you can backup live. You can compare all products from Veeam Unitrend, Trilead I will be very surprise if you do not choose vBackup.

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