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 1/26/2012 3:13 PM

I am the I.T. Director for a medium-sized business with several branch offices. At this point, I am 75% virtual and moving towards a 100% virtual server network. In November 2011, my SAN crashed and killed seven virtual servers housed on my SAN. I was unable to recover anything from the SAN, although I immediately had servers back up and running using vBackup. Once my SAN was back in shape, I was able to restore all seven servers using vBackup to normal running conditions. Without vBackup, I would have had an enormous amount of work, but the majority of my users never even knew anything went wrong. vBackup is a rock solid software that is incredibly easy to work with and set up. I would recommend it to anyone using VMWare technologies.

-Aaron Kincaid

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 2/16/2012 11:14 AM
That is a great story! Could I get some more information on how you were setup using this product? As in, I assume you're using the paid version...are you using the incremental backup feature at all Et cetera? Thanks!
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