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ForumsForumsThinware vBacku...Thinware vBacku...FeedbackFeedbackWhat additional features and functionality do you see as a “must have” prior to version 1 launch?What additional features and functionality do you see as a “must have” prior to version 1 launch?
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New Post
 10/2/2012 9:54 AM

Thank you for using vBackup. Your input is very important to us. Your responses to this thread will help us better align our product with your needs.

Thank you,

vBackup Team

New Post
 4/4/2013 2:36 PM
 Modified By IFM  on 4/9/2013 4:33:56 AM
Backup/restore ESXi host server settings would be nice

Backup rotation (don't know if this is the correct words for what I mean). Lets say that I want to make a full backup once a week, but I want one backup copy that is over one (or more) month(s) old.
New Post
 5/23/2013 6:32 AM
Additional features,
- ability to view all backup jobs & backups (independent of VM)
- creation of scheduled tasks from within vBackup
- ability to group backup jobs into batches which can be managed together
- flexibility to add DEBUG levels to email
New Post
 8/15/2013 10:36 AM
Not sure it is a must have, but it would be nice to have the ability to have a way of setting e-mail notifications per VM or job rather than at the global level. For instance, I am backing up two different vcenters, and both admins get the e-mails for every VM my system backs up. It would be great if I could make it so my jobs e-mail me, and the other jobs e-mail the both of us. It saves the other admin from seeing 30+ extra e-mails that don't pertain to him.
New Post
 8/15/2013 1:47 PM
Would it be helpful if you could set notification recipients at all levels (e.g. global, management server, host server, virtual machine, job)?

Would you always want the lowest level set to override all upper levels or would you like to be able to choose whether the lower level list replaces or extends the upper level list? For example, you may want to notify the server admins every time a job completes for a certain server and notify the virtual machine owners every time a job completes for a certain virtual machine.

Thank you for the great input. We have added this to the list for version 0.3.2.

vBackup Team
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ForumsForumsThinware vBacku...Thinware vBacku...FeedbackFeedbackWhat additional features and functionality do you see as a “must have” prior to version 1 launch?What additional features and functionality do you see as a “must have” prior to version 1 launch?

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