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 4/13/2016 8:05 AM

I am currently trialling this and am very impressed with the simplicity of the product. However I have been unable to get a Replica Managed backup of a Physical Server. I have installed everything as per the instructions and the job kicks off but it crashes out after installing the agent (seems to do this whether the agent is present or not) and gives me no error other than "Unable to complete conversion". FYI Thinware is installed on a physical Windows 2012 server and the Standalone Converter (Server) is installed on the same machine. When I run the job i dont see any entry in the Converter Jobs list. I have tried many configurations in the setup like setting as the local host, setting it as the FQDN, setting it as the IP address. It is more difficult that I cannot even see where the job is failing. I have no apparent issues with the backup of virtual machines. Has anybody got this working cortrectly and can you think of anything else I need to do?


New Post
 4/21/2016 5:56 PM
Replication of physical machines was added as an experimental feature in vBackup a few releases back. Our current plan is to remove this functionality in vBackup v5.

We may re-release this functionality it in a separate product pending interest from our users.

Hope this helps.
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