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 2/28/2014 7:16 AM
 Modified By sgAN  on 2/28/2014 5:17:28 AM

Hello everyone,

since about one month we are getting this Error, always with the same virtual machines:

================================== LOG START ==================================

Thinware(R) vBackup(R)

Version: (Version 0.3, Update 2) - Expires: 31.05.2014

Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Thinware, Inc. All rights reserved.

Visit us at:

Process Started: 22.02.2014 02:20:38

Application Settings:

- SMTP Server =

- SMTP Username = root

- SMTP Password = ********************

- SMTP From Address =

- Notification Recipients =

- VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit Install Path = C:\Programme\VMware\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit\

Execution Arguments:

- Virtual Machine = Live-ICINGA

- Server =

- Server Username = root

- Server Password = *************

- Job = Backup Live-ICINGA

- Job Type = Backup-Image-SSH

- Backup Root = B:\

- Disk Exclusion = None

- Backups to Keep = 3

- Quiesce Guest File System = True

- Create Snapshot Task Timeout = 10

- Remove Snapshot Task Timeout = 30

- Encrypt Temporary Password File = False

- Compression Level = None

- Maximum Log Size = 1000

- Backup Type = Image-Full

Server Platform: VMware ESXi 5.1.0 1065491

Virtual Machine Guest OS: CentOS 4/5/6 (32-bit)

Backup Folder: B:\\Live-ICINGA

Backup: 140222_022043

No existing temporary snapshots found.

Temporary Snapshot: vBackup-TMP-140222_022043

VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit: VMware Virtual Disk Manager - build 774844

VMware Virtual Disk Manager response for Hard disk 1: [datastore1] Live-ICINGA/ICINGA-000001.vmdk:

SSL_VerifyCbHelper: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error

[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpRead: bRead: -1

[NFC ERROR] NfcNet_Recv: requested 261784, recevied only 98304 bytes

[NFC ERROR] NfcFile_RecvMessage: data recv failed. retval = 3, expected 261784


Failed to convert disk: Operation completes asynchronously (0x300004650).

E Unable to complete backup. Unable to verify successful transfer of virtual machine virtual disk file B:\\Live-ICINGA\140222_022043\ICINGA-000001.vmdk.

Temporary snapshot removed.

Backup data folder deleted in cleaning up after job failure.

Process Completed: 22.02.2014 02:42:20

Elapsed Time: 21 minutes and 42 seconds

This error always comes up on the same vms.

Thank you for your help

New Post
 3/6/2014 6:31 AM

Hi all i am getting the same type of error.

Virtual Machine Guest OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)
Backup Folder: g:\\RedHat
Backup: 140305_010239
No existing temporary snapshots found.
Temporary Snapshot: vBackup-TMP-140305_010239
VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit: VMware Virtual Disk Manager - build 1284542
VMware Virtual Disk Manager response for Hard disk 1: [datastore1] RedHat/RedHat.vmdk:
VixDiskLib: Invalid configuration file parameter. Failed to read configuration file.

SSL_VerifyCbHelper: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error

[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpRead: bRead: -1

[NFC ERROR] NfcNet_Recv: requested 261664, recevied only 196608 bytes

[NFC ERROR] NfcFile_RecvMessage: data recv failed. retval = 3, expected 261664


Failed to convert disk: Operation completes asynchronously (0x300004650).

E Unable to complete backup. Unable to verify successful transfer of virtual machine virtual disk file g:\\RedHat\140305_010239\RedHat.vmdk.
Connection to server timed out during backup process. Connection must be reestablished in order to remove temporary snapshot (this is not an error).
Connection to server reestablished successfully.
Temporary snapshot removed.
Backup data folder deleted in cleaning up after job failure.
Process Completed: 05/03/2014 04:08:03
Elapsed Time: 3 hours, 6 minutes and 35 seconds
Notification message sent to specified recipients (above)

any help would be appreciated



New Post
 3/6/2014 8:06 AM
Same here
2008 R2 VM backing up 2008 R2 VM on same box going to a network share housed on 2003 x86 server.

================================== LOG START ==================================
Thinware(R) vBackup(R)
Version: (Version 0.3, Update 2) - Expires: 5/31/2014
Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Thinware, Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit us at:
Process Started: 3/5/2014 10:09:05 PM
Application Settings:
- SMTP Server =
- SMTP Username =
- SMTP Password =
- SMTP From Address =
- Notification Recipients =
- VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit Install Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit
Execution Arguments:
- Virtual Machine = BRO1FS1
- Server = BRO1ESXI1:22
- Server Username =
- Server Password =
- Job = BRO1FS1
- Job Type = Backup-Image-SSH
- Backup Root = V:\
- Disk Exclusion = None
- Backups to Keep = 1
- Quiesce Guest File System = True
- Create Snapshot Task Timeout = 15
- Remove Snapshot Task Timeout = 15
- Encrypt Temporary Password File = True
- Compression Level = Basic
- Maximum Log Size = 1024
- Backup Type = Image-Full
SMTP server not provided, e-mail notification is disabled.
Server Platform: VMware ESXi 5.5.0 1331820
Virtual Machine Guest OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Backup Folder: V:\\BRO1FS1
Backup: 140305_220925
No existing temporary snapshots found.
Temporary Snapshot: vBackup-TMP-140305_220925
e Unable to encrypt temporary password file. Recovery policy configured for this system contains invalid recovery certificate.

VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit: VMware Virtual Disk Manager - build 774844
VMware Virtual Disk Manager response for Hard disk 1: [Datastore_Data] BRO1FS1/BRO1FS1-000002.vmdk:
SSL_VerifyCbHelper: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error

[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpRead: bRead: -1

[NFC ERROR] NfcNet_Recv: requested 261656, recevied only 212992 bytes

[NFC ERROR] NfcFile_RecvMessage: data recv failed. retval = 3, expected 261656


Failed to convert disk: Operation completes asynchronously (0x300004650).

Password file successfully deleted, but was left unencrypted during job execution (due to above error).
E Unable to complete backup. Unable to verify successful transfer of virtual machine virtual disk file V:\\BRO1FS1\140305_220925\BRO1FS1-000002.vmdk.
Temporary snapshot removed.
Backup data folder deleted in cleaning up after job failure.
Process Completed: 3/5/2014 10:25:07 PM
Elapsed Time: 16 minutes and 2 seconds
New Post
 4/9/2014 4:57 AM
something similar here.. but not equal..

SSL_VerifyCbHelper: Certificate verification is disabled, so connection will proceed despite the error

[NFC ERROR] NfcFileDskWriteDataHelper: Write failed curSector = 80738808,numSectors = 512 : There is not enough space on the file system for the selected operation (13)

[NFC ERROR] Write failed curSector = 80738808, numSectors = 512 :There is not enough space on the file system for the selected operation (13)

[NFC ERROR] NfcFile_Receive: write failed. expected 261664, got -1


Failed to convert disk: The called function requires the virtual disk to be opened for I/O (0x400004650).

Password file successfully deleted, but was left unencrypted during job execution (due to above error).
E Unable to complete backup. Unable to verify successful transfer of virtual machine virtual disk file

New Post
 4/9/2014 5:28 AM

You are receiving this error because there is not enough free space to save the backup on the target storage.

Please confirm.

Thank you,

vBackup Team
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