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ForumsForumsThinware vBacku...Thinware vBacku...DiscussionsDiscussions"Error while creating "Error while creating 'virtualmachine' file."
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New Post
 7/31/2013 4:58 AM
We have confirmed that there may be some compatibility issues with Windows XP and the Image-SSH job type when running vBackup on Windows XP. This may also affect Windows Server 2003. We will confirm once we have completed testing.

Do you have a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 machine that you can run vBackup on?

Thank you,

vBackup Team
New Post
 8/1/2013 7:08 AM

Yes, I have a Windows 7 32-bit virtual machine running on my desktop, and I was able to use vBackup on that machine to successfully backup virtual machines from on the ESXi testing server. I tried using that same installation of vBackup on the Windows 7 32-bit machine to connect to the production server and perform backups, but I still get the same error message, identical to the one from my first post.

I have just now tested this to confirm, and the same Windows 7 installation of vBackup is still able to successfully backup virtual machines on the testing server without any issue, even after failing to backup VMs on the production server.

Thanks again for all your help.

New Post
 11/27/2013 1:31 PM
same error here,

windows 7 64bit
New Post
 11/28/2013 3:09 PM
hanscees wrote:
same error here,

windows 7 64bit


is there a solution, because for me on windows 7 64 bit thinware now is useless I am afraid.
New Post
 12/3/2013 12:08 AM
Can you verify that the SSH service is running on your ESXi host?

1) Connect to the ESXi host via vSphere Client
2) With the ESXi host selected from the inventory tree, click Configuration tab
3) Under Software click Security Profile
4) For Services, click Properties... (in top-right corner)
5) Verify that Daemon for SSH reads "Running"

Please let us know.

Thank you,

vBackup Team
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