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 7/16/2013 12:16 PM
 Modified By keithnic  on 7/16/2013 9:16:25 AM

Hi, I'm trying to backup a VM running on ESXi v4.0.0. It has no spaces in its name and no other snapshots. It fails within a few seconds with the following message.

Server Platform: VMware ESXi 4.1.0 348481
Virtual Machine Guest OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
Backup Folder: E:\\(Eagle04)
Backup: 130716_142114
No existing temporary snapshots found.
E Unable to complete backup. Unable to retrieve virtual machine ID. Error while creating 'virtualmachine' file. Skipping invalid VM '880'.
Backup data folder deleted in cleaning up after job failure.
Process Completed: 16/07/2013 14:21:15
Elapsed Time: 11 seconds

Any ideas? Its also not working with another VM I have on the same host. I have vBackup successfully working with VMs on an ESXi v5 and think it is an excellent tool. Would really like to get it working on these other VMs. Any help would be greatfully received.

New Post
 7/16/2013 12:27 PM
It might be best to work directly with support on this one. We will have someone contact you shortly.

Thank you,

vBackup Team
New Post
 10/2/2013 3:14 PM

We've resolved this by upgrading our VM servers to ESXi v5.5. May have been an issue with ESXi v4.0.0 and v4.1.0 which we were running previously.

New Post
 10/27/2013 6:22 PM
 Modified By Michal Bedrnik  on 10/27/2013 3:23:43 PM
I have the same problem with ESXi 5.5.0. Stop with the error "Unable to retrieve virtual machine ID."

There is my log:
================================== LOG START ==================================
Thinware(R) vBackup(R)
Version: (Version 0.3, Update 1) - Expires: 31.1.2014
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Thinware, Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit us at:
Process Started: 27.10.2013 22:06:57
Application Settings:
- SMTP Server =
- SMTP Username =
- SMTP Password =
- SMTP From Address =
- Notification Recipients =
- VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit Install Path = C:\Program Files\VMware\vSphere Virtual Disk Development Kit 5.5
Execution Arguments:
- Virtual Machine = Kerio Control
- Server =
- Server Username = root
- Server Password = *********
- Job = gg
- Job Type = Backup-Image-SSH
- Backup Root = E:\VM_zaloha
- Disk Exclusion = None
- Backups to Keep = 1
- Quiesce Guest File System = True
- Create Snapshot Task Timeout = 15
- Remove Snapshot Task Timeout = 15
- Encrypt Temporary Password File = True
- Compression Level = Basic
- Maximum Log Size = 1024
- Backup Type = Image-Full
SMTP server not provided, e-mail notification is disabled.
Server Platform: VMware ESXi 5.5.0 1331820
Virtual Machine Guest OS: Other Linux (32-bit)
Backup Folder: E:\VM_zaloha\Kerio Control
Backup: 131027_220732
No existing temporary snapshots found.
E Unable to complete backup. Unable to retrieve virtual machine ID. Error while creating 'virtualmachine' file. FATAL ERROR: Network error: Connection timed out.
Backup data folder deleted in cleaning up after job failure.
Process Completed: 27.10.2013 22:07:50
Elapsed Time: 53 seconds

Any ideas?

New Post
 10/28/2013 2:55 PM
This is most likely due to the SSH service not running on the ESXi host.

Can you please verify that SSH is running on the ESXi host and let us know if the problem persists?

Thank you,

vBackup Team
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