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 10/22/2014 11:26 PM
 Modified By SimonBryan  on 10/22/2014 9:14:20 PM
Not sure if I should start a n ew thread or reopen the old one!

I now have this error preventing backup of my web server (Linux) however neither the underlying host nor the guest OS has had the clock changed...well not as far as I know. (My Windoze boxes yesterday kept reverting to GMT time and I reset the clocks on them and checked the BIOS the DC's are VM's but on a different host to this one)

How do I resolve this?

Quick Edit: Seems it is spreading to other systems as well now - other VM Hosts
New Post
 10/23/2014 2:55 AM
Accepted Answer 

This is simple to fix. We made a change in version 4.0.1 that causes the license verification process to skip checking for clock changes for perpetual (non trial/expiration-date-based) licenses.

PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to uninstall version 4.0. Just download the version 4.0.1 PR1 zip file from our website and follow the instructions in the included readme.txt.

New Post
 10/23/2014 6:17 AM
Perfect. thanks. All working again.
New Post
 7/28/2020 4:42 PM
I have a similar problem, I installed the application and a day later the server changed my computer's date.

Now I can't activate the license received, the message "system clock manipulation" appears.

I am using the latest version of the program (5.0.3)

how can I proceed to solve the problem?
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