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New Post
 6/25/2018 8:39 AM

Hello !

I just tryed to test this product and added vCenter 6.5 and hosts ESXi 6.5 to inventory with Professional licenses.

Command protocol for servers: VADP, transport protocol : SCP + C, datastore for backup is connected directly to ESXi servers.

But when I tested backup jobs - no ability to set option "Create backup disks in thin-provisioned format (advanced compression)".

And only full backups were done.

How can I make settings for Advanced compression and incremental backups ?

Thanks in advance !

New Post
 6/27/2018 6:38 AM

Compressed, thin-provisioned virtual disk format (advanced compression) is not supported with host server accessible backup repositories.

Thinware vBackup 5.0.0 supports full and compressed-full backups only. Incremental backup is not available with this release.

Hope this helps!

New Post
 6/27/2018 6:51 AM
 Modified By alespb  on 6/27/2018 4:53:22 AM

But when I tryed to setup "Local Accessible" repository for backup job - I got message that only Host server accessible repository supported for ESXi 6.5.

Does it mean that backups with advanced compression are supported only with old versions of ESXi or not supported for all versions ?

New Post
 6/27/2018 7:18 AM
 Modified By vBackup Team  on 6/27/2018 5:20:21 AM

Yes, I guess you can say that advanced compression is not supported with VMware ESXi 6.5/6.7. This is because only backup to host server accessible backup repositories is supported with VMware ESXi 6.5/6.7 and advanced compression is not supported when backing up to host server accessible repositories.

This is not a loss of functionality, rather, it is simply a difference in compatible configurations. While advanced compression is not supported when backing up to host server accessible repositories, backing up to a deduplicated storage volume is supported. This, in most cases, provides equal or better compression (when compared to advanced compression) and causes less issues with restore operations.

Hope this helps!

New Post
 6/27/2018 7:33 AM

Thanks for feedback !

For better understanding can you provide any examples with deduplication solutions that support vmdk files of VMs that can be used with Thinware vBackup ?

There are a lot of things are not so obvious with Thinware vBackup. It seems like GUI for scripts of commands executed on hypervisor side for the first impression.

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ForumsForumsThinware vBacku...Thinware vBacku...DiscussionsDiscussionsAdvanced compression and incremental backups for vSphere 6.5Advanced compression and incremental backups for vSphere 6.5

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